October 25, 2024

New Year beauty resolutions you can stick to!


We're binning the traditional resolutions and sharing our 2018 New Year beauty resolutions – the ones you can actually stick to!


The time has come to make (and vow to stick to) our New Year resolutions. New Year, new you? Yes, we’ve heard it all before. January is the month of making many promises to ourselves, that, let’s be honest, usually end up being broken after the first week is out, BUT ladies, hear us out; this year we’re going to stick to them! Yes, that’s right, you heard it here first – we can’t go back on our word now. For 2018, team LiB are binning the usual ‘to exercise more’, ‘to shed a few pounds’ and ‘to eat less cake’ (that was never going to work) for simple, achievable beauty resolutions we’ll actually want to keep. Should be easy…. Right?


Harriet, Account Manager –  “To stop biting my nails – RANK!

Jemma, Editor & Social Media Manager – To wash my makeup brushes weekly because I can’t remember the last time I washed them – I’m gross

Ciara, Graphic Designer – To stop squeezing my spots – It’s a terrible habit

Charlotte, Commercial & Partnerships Director – To give my skin a bit more TLC…e.g. do a face mask or a deep cleanse more regularly than I currently do.

Christina, Sales Director – To learn how to apply eyeshadow!

Emma, Marketing Director – My beauty resolution is to spend more time looking after my skin: I need to stick to a proper regime with good skincare products, do twice-weekly face masks, and I plan to go for monthly facials (starting with Teresa Tarmey in January).  Roll on a glowy, makeup-free 2018!”

Nort, CEO – To use my moisturiser every day – I promise!

Jess, Junior Account Manager – To get into the habit of using primer more so my make-up stays on for longer!”

Iza, Digital Project Manager – Wash my makeup brushes because I don’t do it as often as I should and review all my makeup products/cosmetics, because I haven’t done it for long time now, so I think some will definitely need to be thrown away 😉

Shivona, Customer Service Manager – My New Year beauty resolutions include drinking more water, especially at work! My skin gets quite dry and dehydrated because I don’t drink enough water – so this would be first on my list! I also need to declutter my makeup box – throw away any expired products and invest in more natural skincare/make-up products.

Sasha, Junior Business Development Manager – Stop picking my spots! and make sure to wash my makeup off!

Made a resolution to streamline or expand your beauty collection? Why not build your own beauty box?

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