September 19, 2024

My 101st post – 101 Things About Me


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In honor of my 101th post (an auspicious occasion, to be sure), I wrote a “101 things about me” list. I can’t imagine that anyone really wants to know 100 things about me, but here they are nonetheless.

  1. Before Grace was born, I read a lot of books. It was not unusual for me to finish five or more books every month. In the year since Grace was born, I’ve read five whole books.
  2. I skipped eighth grade and graduated from high school at age 16.
  3. I won the school spelling bee when I was in sixth grade and came in runner-up in seventh grade.
  4. The girl who beat me in the above seventh grade spelling bee went on to become my lifelong best friend.
  5. I have had to had my tonsils, adenoids, appendix, gall bladder, and wisdom teeth removed surgically. Fortunately, not all at the same time.
  6. I bought a house all on my own and signed the closing papers twenty-four hours after above appendectomy.
  7. I failed the written test to get my driver’s permit the first time I attempted it.
  8. I type really fast.
  9. I’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano and speak Greek, but I’ve never taken the initiative to learn either one.
  10. I have naturally curly hair, and it’s gotten curlier as I’ve gotten older. I love it.
  11. When I was growing up, I often dreamed that I became magically skinny and how no one would recognize me at school. (Still waiting for that one.)
  12. As of this morning, I’ve lost 31 pounds in 14 weeks on Weight Watchers. No magic involved.
  13. One of my most favorite sounds is the laughter of my daughter or my husband.
  14. I love to laugh until there are tears running down my face and my cheeks ache and my lungs hurt.
  15. When I was growing up, I thought the adult version of myself would be a single, wealthy person who earned a PhD before turning 30.
  16. There is nothing I want more right now than to stay home with my daughter.
  17. I’m afraid it might be a mistake to quit my job. I’ve got seniority, job security, and a 5 mile commute.
  18. I’m the most indecisive person on the planet.
  19. My two favorite movies are Forrest Gump and Return to Me. And Secondhand Lions was pretty awesome, too. So was Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood.
  20. I am an impulsive spender.
  21. I cut 5 inches off my hair last Friday night. At 11:30 pm. By myself. Fortunately, my mom evened it up for me this morning in a parking lot.
  22. Spending isn’t the only thing I’m impulsive about.
  23. I’m judgmental and ashamed of it.
  24. I can’t swim very well, just barely well enough to get from one side of the pool to the other.
  25. I’ve won a lot of writing contests.
  26. I adore good manners.
  27. I detest poor grammar. I abhor it, actually.
  28. I like to use big words.
  29. I thoroughly enjoy sleeping, especially in the middle of my bed on my favorite 400-thread count sheets, freshly washed.
  30. Those sheets have a large hole in them, on my husband’s side of the bed. We’re using them anyway because I love them so much.
  31. I have a mean sweet tooth, and it chases desserts. My favorites are flan and ice cream. And white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and peanut butter pie. Ugh, I’m going to dream about food all night.
  32. I don’t wear a watch (even though I own some gorgeous ones) because I don’t want my life to be ruled by a clock.
  33. I am paranoid about being late and try to arrive 15 minutes early where ever I go.
  34. I detest people who think the world is out to get them. I’m so over people with a victim mentality.
  35. My flower garden smells like chocolate mint because I planted a few sprigs of chocolate mint three years ago. Turns out, it’s highly invasive. On the bright side, my garden has a lovely aroma.
  36. I became a lifetime member of the Penn State Alumni Association right out of college.
  37. I don’t like the messages projected by Disney movies.
  38. I eat a Skinny Cow giant fudge bar almost every night. (only 1 WW point!)
  39. I use a lap desk to write most of the time.
  40. I am a tv junkie. My favorite shows are CSI, CSI Miami, Law & Order SVU, Law & Order CI, Top Chef, Project Runway, and Oprah.
  41. I like to listen to heavy rain.
  42. I am a total homebody. I would rather spend the evening at home with my husband and our baby than go anywhere. Anywhere.
  43. I suffer from migraines, especially when I’m tired.
  44. I am very easily distracted, maybe to the point of having ADD.

    I have to know more than 43 things about myself. I guess the kicker is sharing said things with the world. This is so hard; it’s getting ridiculous.

  • I adore cats, big and small, hairy and hairless.
  • I have 4 cats – Gracie, Zeus, Molly, and Sammy.
  • I don’t love dogs. I don’t even like them really.
  • I want to be less materialistic, but then I see something that I really want and being less materialistic goes right out the window.
  • I can’t keep a secret.
  • I’ve never been to “the beach.” Joe and I swam at a private beach in Mexico once, but that was the extent of my contact with the ocean.
  • I have 4 tattoos. I’ve been thinking about getting another one to commemorate Gracie Anna, but I don’t know what I want to get or where on my body.
  • I used to visit my Grandma once a month, but I don’t now that I’m so far away and have a family.
  • I am so allergic to poison ivy that I have a rash for most of the spring, summer, and fall. Every. Single. Year.
  • I don’t have a “home town” because we moved all the time when I was little.
  • I hate politics.
  • I have no time for people who are phony or who lie. I guess it’s the judgmental thing, but I can’t be bothered.
  • I detested being pregnant. It was the most miserable I’ve ever been.
  • The midwife who delivered Grace told me that my body was made for having babies.
  • “It was worth it,” sounds completely lame and cliché but I’d go through all that misery again to end up with my Gracie Anna.
  • I don’t like the smell of perfume.
  • I lack patience.
  • I have never even sampled an illegal or illicit drug.
  • I love spicy foods, though I was unable to eat them when I was pregnant.
  • I have more online friends than IRL friends. I think that says something bad about me, but I’m not sure what it is.
  • I have a difficult time associating with people who are pretentious, obnoxious, and/or know-it-alls.
  • My favorite foods are Pizza Hut pizza and ice cream.
  • And Mountain Dew.
  • I love to fly in airplanes.
  • I’m afraid of heights. I hate tall buildings, like the Sears Tower (in which I threw up).
  • I don’t love to drive. It’s not that I’d rather ride along than drive, I just don’t like spending a lot of time in a car.
  • IRL, I am very shy. My shyness is sometimes mistaken for my being aloof or snobby.
  • I am snobby, too.
  • I screen my phone calls and don’t answer unless it’s someone I know.
  • I trust people, and it often leaves me disappointed or hurt.
  • I get especially disappointed when someone is undependable or doesn’t follow through.
  • I’m an internet addict. Just ask my husband, he’ll tell you.
  • I hope I’ll lose enough weight to ride my bike. When I get on it now, the tires go flat. That’s a serious bummer to me.
  • I need 8 hours of sleep to function properly.
  • I think my life now would be very different if I had followed my dad’s advice and gone to a small, community college instead of a very large research university.
  • I have earned two degrees – a bachelor of science and a master of education.
  • The most important dates in my life are all twos – born on 7/2, married on 7/22, daughter born on 6/2.
  • I love bright colors – reds, blues, purples, and greens.
  • I suffer from clinical depression. A lot.
  • I wanted to serve pork and sauerkraut at my wedding reception, but my caterer didn’t do it very well. I had to settle for stuffed chicken, which was not memorable.
  • My wedding was memorable, though, so the food is unimportant.
  • I used to be a consultant for The Pampered Chef, and I did very well at it.
  • I have so much kitchen stuff that it is overflowing from my kitchen.
  • I’m very self-conscious.
  • I’m also very assertive.
  • I don’t like shoes. If I could survive without wearing them, I would. All summer long, I wear only flip flops. They’re the bare minimum required to go out in public.
  • Grace and I failed at breastfeeding.
  • I don’t have a nickname (except for the one my husband gave me, and I’m not going to tell you that).
  • I’m very crafty.
  • I can sew proficiently.
  • I love to scrapbook.
  • I am a good enough casual photographer.
  • I don’t like to sit on the floor.
  • I AM SO ITCHY. I could seriously rip my own skin right off. That was gross, so I’m sorry.
  • I think most people apologize too much.
  • I talk on my cell phone while driving. It’s the only peace and quiet that I have some days.
  • I love to learn.


This took me about four days to write, and it was way harder than I expected. If you made it the whole way to the end, leave me a comment and say so.

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