September 19, 2024

Easy Ways to Pamper Mum this Mother’s Day!


Here are a few ideas on how to pamper your Mum at home – perfect for showing the number one woman in your life just how much you care…


I have fond memories of Mother’s Day from when I lived at home; I always liked to give my mum a day full of little indulgences – even from a young age when I insisted I could carry her tea and breakfast tray all by myself (I couldn’t). She’d complain throughout the year that we didn’t help enough around the house, but we did always spoil her on “her day”.

You don’t need to spend lots of money to make your mum feel special – a card and a thoughtful gesture is enough! Here are a few ideas on how to pamper your Mum at home – perfect for showing the number one woman in your life just how much you care, because let’s face it, she’s most definitely your number one fan and probably still does your washing when you visit.

Fresh flowers

Simple, classic, beautiful. We’re big fans of letterbox flowers and can always rely on Bloom & Wild to deliver gorgeous blooms from me. They have a good selection for Mother’s Day – we love the Violet bouquet.

Breakfast in bed

If you’re fortunate enough to spend Mother’s Day with your mum at home, get extra brownie points by serving her breakfast in bed. Croissants, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, her favourite coffee… maybe even a glass of bucks fizz?  How indulgent.

At-home spa

Most mums are always on the go, so arranging time for relaxation will always go down a treat. Put the kettle on, let her put her feet up while you run her a bath and give her a hamper of pampering at-home spa products. If you’re feeling extra nice, book in for an at-home mani/ pedi.

Do her makeup

Who doesn’t like a mini makeover? If you’re no good at makeup, don’t worry – why not take her to a counter in a department store? Something you can both do together, for free. Afterwards, you could treat her to her favourite product (and one for you, too…)

Life lessons from mum

In the spirit of celebrating everything that’s great about mums, we got the whole team involved to share what our mothers taught us. Although there are – of course – many times I’ve not listened to my mum (and later regretted it – why are they always right?) she has passed on her wisdom and taught me many things, like how to apply eyeshadow by blending three shades together. Now I own over 20 palettes. Thanks, Mum! She also taught me how to cook and experiment with food, in addition to nailing the perfect cupcake recipe – one that I hope to share with my own children one day.

My mum taught me to let things go. She is a very calm person who doesn’t let things get to her and has the ability to move on from problems very quickly. I am the type of person who holds grudges and takes things personally, but Mum always told me to “chill” and “move on” p.s she is not a hippy” – Christina

My mum taught me to invest in your hair as you wear it everyday! Find a great hairdresser and build a trusting relationship with them so that eventually (after about 2-4 trips) they become an expert in your hair (they will learn to understand the texture, how it takes to colour, the shape of your face, how your hair changes seasonally, how you like it styled) – she also taught me to always wear an outfit to the salon (especially if you’re going there for the first time!) that represents your personal style the most so that they understand your “look” as well.

Also, take pictures of hairstyles that you love, but also include images of hair that you don’t like – hairdressers aren’t mind readers, so provide as much direction as possible.

Finally… Don’t shy away from asking your hairdresser what they’d do if they had free reign (they’re the experts) – This makes hairdressing trips a fun, exciting and collaborative experience, you might leave the salon with a cut or colour that you never thought would suit you, but looks amazing – never be afraid of change!” – Harriet

My mum taught me to always have lovely nails… painted and not chipped!” – Jess

My mum taught me the importance of perfume!  My earliest beauty memory is spraying one spritz of a pretty little bottle of Yardley fragrance on each wrist before going to birthday parties.  I was only allowed to wear it for “special occasions” and really treasured it; now, I adore perfume, have a decent-sized fragrance wardrobe to suit each mood, and don’t feel dressed without it.” – Emma

What’s the biggest life lesson your Mum has taught you? Tweet us and let us know! We’ll pick one of our favourites to win the new Mother & Daughter Box…

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