September 19, 2024

GT13 – Natural First Aid Kit – Top 3 Essentials


These 3 essentials kept me out of hospital recently… How to naturally treat serious burns. The world’s best natural pathogen killer that works when antibiotics don’t. How to speed up wound healing and muscle injuries. And how to stop a heart attack with something you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard and much more… …

These 3 essentials kept me out of hospital recently…

How to naturally treat serious burns.

The world’s best natural pathogen killer that works when antibiotics don’t.

How to speed up wound healing and muscle injuries.

And how to stop a heart attack with something you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard and much more…

N.B. if you are planning on taking MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) internally please read the 1st comment from a chemist called Bob Murphy  – he disagrees with some of the science that Jim Humble puts forward and warns against long-term ingestion and says not to take it every hour as it stays in the body longer than Jim assumed…

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Useful links

Aloe plant or

Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops

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