October 22, 2024

HIV: A New Shot Prevents HIV, but Access for Africans Is Uncertain 


The HIV AIDS A New Shot Prevents HIV, but Access for Africans Is Uncertain pandemic is still spreading, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. There are programmes in place to lower the prevalence of HIV, such as those that encourage contraception use, male circumcision, and microbicide testing (also known as the ABC campaign).

The creation and dissemination of efficient vaccinations, however, offers the best chance of putting an end to the AIDS pandemic. There are several HIV vaccine trials (HVTs) ongoing throughout Africa, notably in South Africa. Questions regarding the duties of researchers, sponsors, and public health authorities involved in HVTs, including enabling treatment and care for participants, are supported by ethical principles and human rights norms. 

Given the insufficient and unequal access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and support resources, this is particularly important in Africa. 70% of persons in need in sub-Saharan Africa are still untreated, despite recent efforts to ensure universal access to care and treatment.  

Researchers were pleased four years ago when a vaccine test on 16,000 patients in Thailand revealed a previously unrecognised vulnerability in the hardy disease after decades of shadowboxing with the human immunodeficiency virus.

A new shot prevents HIV but access for africans is Uncertain Source: Google Images

It was impossible to approve the vaccine for use in the general population because it was only 31% effective and eventually wore off. However, the study’s findings allowed researchers to take advantage of this weakness in HIV’s defences, reformulate the medication, and retest it in a clinical setting.

All eyes are now focused on South Africa, where scientists will start immunising hundreds of volunteers on Monday in their most recent and, in some eyes, most hopeful, attempt to create a vaccine to stop the illness. For a virus that infects more than 2 million people and kills more than 1 million each year, this is only the seventh full-scale human experiment. 

As the director of the U.S. Military HIV Research Program, which oversaw the Thailand study, Nelson L. Michael said, “If this study shows efficacy… this would be a tectonic, historic event for HIV.”

According to experts, if the vaccine is shown to be between 50% and 60% effective, it will be enough for pharmaceutical companies Sanofi Pasteur and GSK to start licensing talks with the South African government. Given that roughly 1 in 5 people are sick, even though this rate is far below the acceptable range for other vaccinations, it would nevertheless make this one worthwhile to produce here. 

Additionally, a substance that is effective in South Africa might eventually be modified for use against viral subtypes that are widespread elsewhere, such as in the United States.

Given that there is currently nothing available, Gita Ramjee, director of the HIV Prevention Research Unit at the Medical Research Council in Durban, which is overseeing two of the 15 trial sites, said, “We’d be happy if this vaccine were even 45 or 50% effective given that right now we have nothing.” “Even a vaccine that is only moderately effective would have a significant influence here.”

A total of 5,400 people are being sought out; they must be between the ages of 18 and 35, HIV-negative, and sexually active. Each will receive five injections over the course of a year, after which they will both undergo two years of observation.

To gauge the effectiveness of the vaccination, researchers will administer a placebo to half of the participants. South Africans have yet to continue to sign up despite this. The sickness affects very few people’s life.

Thembi Dlamini, 29, was this week being screened for participation in the trial at a clinic. She expressed her desire for future generations to avoid experiencing what she did.

In a tragic slide, her older sister passed away from AIDS five years ago. The sole saving grace was its briefness: She vanished after only three months, leaving behind a supply of HIV medications in her dresser drawer. She was more ashamed than concerned about ageing.

In a nation where approximately one-third of women in her age group have the virus, Dlamini estimates that half of her friends are HIV-positive.

Another volunteer, S’phindile Dlamini, 18, who is unrelated to Thembi, recalls a neighbour passing away first. When someone became ill, the community would typically come together to help. However, as this woman became more fragile, observers remained farther away and muttered louder. 

Thembi and S’phindile collectively mourn the loss of a niece, a teacher, and friends.

HIV is still a pandemic, despite the fact that it is less frequent in the news now that antiretroviral medications have rendered the illness treatable. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS, 36.7 million individuals globally had HIV in 2015, including roughly 2.1 million who had just become infected. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.2 million Americans have the infection.

According to the U.N. HIV programme, 18 million people were able to obtain the medications they required to control the virus last year.

More than 7 million people in South Africa are infected with the virus. It is estimated that approximately 30 per cent of the population in some regions of the nation, including Verulam in the northeastern coastal province of KwaZulu-Natal, is HIV positive. 

There is no treatment or medicine for prevention. However, this is the first fresh research on a human HIV vaccine in roughly ten years.

Dan Barouch, head of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, said, “We need to test additional vaccinations. “In the more than 35 years of the epidemic, only four distinct HIV vaccine concepts have been tried. We require more attempts towards the goal.

These tests, however, are challenging to develop and have a lengthy history of failure. They are pricey, intricate, and big. Furthermore, the virus is a very robust target due to its variety.

A new shot prevents HIV, access for africans is Uncertain Source: Google Images

According to Barton Haynes, head of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute at Duke University, “all of those bugs for which humanity has developed vaccinations do not implant themselves into the DNA of the human they are infecting.” “The genetic material of the individual who has HIV is inserted into that person’s genetic material. It cannot be cured because of this.

The second round of testing for an HIV vaccine created by pharmaceutical behemoth Merck took place in South Africa in 2007. However, the study was stopped soon after it started because preliminary findings from other sites suggested that the vaccination appeared to make patients more susceptible to HIV than a placebo.

The new study won’t have results until 2020, but if it produces spectacular findings or unanticipated issues, it might be stopped earlier.

According to Glenda Gray, head of the South African Medical Research Council, “If we knew we were going to be successful, we wouldn’t have to perform the experiment, but we do believe this strategy has great promise.” The trial is being directed by a veteran HIV researcher. Because of all the HIV-related failures, “we’ve grown accustomed to being incorrect, and I think all of us are fairly pragmatic, but we’re still delighted.”

Others in the multinational collaboration share some of the same optimism, albeit cautiously.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is largely funding the $130 million study with assistance from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, described this experiment as “taking the only modestly successful vaccine trial… and trying to improve upon it in a higher-risk population.” Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said.

Thembi Dlamini and S’phindile Dlamini will soon start receiving the vaccination or the placebo in a brilliantly lit clinic in a sturdy brick building beside a funeral home on this town’s main strip if they pass their health check. Every participant will receive instructions on how to avoid the virus, and anyone who contracts it while taking part in the trial will be referred for medical care.

The prospect of taking part in an initiative that changes the tide motivates many people.

Thembi Dlamini declared, “I don’t want to lose another member of my family.” “I want to be one of the people who help stop this from happening again.” 


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