September 7, 2024

How to Increase Conversions for Your Online Business | MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog


The only way to increase your revenue and grow your online business is to increase your conversion rate. Unfortunately, just wishful thinking won’t make this happen. You need to form a solid conversion growth strategy to get people to stop dropping their carts. As you construct a better strategy, consider how you can incorporate the

How to Increase Conversion for your Online StoreHow to Increase Conversion for your Online Store

The only way to increase your revenue and grow your online business is to increase your conversion rate. Unfortunately, just wishful thinking won’t make this happen. You need to form a solid conversion growth strategy to get people to stop dropping their carts. As you construct a better strategy, consider how you can incorporate the following tactics.

Use Proven Marketing Strategies

The first thing to do when developing a marketing plan is to understand your audience. You need to customize marketing toward the interests, income, life-stages, goals, values, and habits of your audience. Once you understand your audience, you can use that information with effective marketing strategies. One strategy is to increase awareness of your brand through search engine optimization. Do this by including precise keywords in your regularly updated content and employ link-building tactics. Another effective strategy is to partner with popular influencers. And don’t forget to employ social media in every way possible.   

Make the Checkout Process Painless

Over half of all carted items are abandoned. This is an agonizing problem for e-commerce businesses that can be solved by improving the checkout process on their websites. Every stage of online shopping should be user-friendly. Pictures of your products should be clear, with views from multiple angles. These should be accompanied by detailed descriptions, customer reviews, measurements, and, where applicable, an easy-to-use sizing guide. Directions for adding a product to the cart should be clear, and the check-out button should be easy to find. It is also a good idea to allow for guest checkout, and you should provide a variety of ways to pay. Offering fast and secure payment options can increase conversion rates.

Improve Your Website for Mobile Devices

Mobile device orders account for a significant percentage of overall sales, and yet, many online companies fail to optimize their websites for these smaller devices. This is a mistake of epic proportions. When people can purchase something on their phone at the moment of interest, they are far more likely to go through with it. 

Consider switching to a responsive web design. This means that you will need to utilize media queries, which communicate with your browser to inform it of the details of the screen. Modifications are then made depending on the specifications of the device. This allows your website to be augmented to whatever screen it is called up on.

There are many ways to increase the conversion rate for your business. As technology advances, so do the solutions. Don’t get left behind. Do your research and learn better ways to conduct your e-commerce that will foster growth. Sometimes, all it takes are a few simple changes.

Ready to start your consulting business? Our MGR Team will be happy to chat with you one-on-one.  Use this link to contact us and set up your free consultation.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

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